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Reform Party Core Beliefs

The Reform Party: A Force for Change

The Reform Party: A Force for Change

Core Principles

The Reform Party stands for a number of core principles, including:

  • Ethics reform to create a transparent government that is beholden to the American people
  • Preservation of freedom of speech
  • A focus on solutions that work for all Americans

Ethics Reform

The Reform Party believes that ethics reform is essential to re-establishing trust in the government. The party has proposed a number of measures to achieve this goal, including:

  • Public financing of elections
  • Strict limits on campaign contributions
  • Increased transparency in government spending

Preservation of Freedom of Speech

The Reform Party believes that freedom of speech is a fundamental right that must be protected. The party has opposed efforts to restrict free speech, such as the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act.

A Focus on Solutions

The Reform Party is a centrist party that is focused on solutions that work for all Americans. The party has proposed a number of policies that it believes will improve the lives of all Americans, including:

  • Increased funding for education and healthcare
  • Expansion of access to affordable housing
  • Creation of a more just and equitable justice system


The Reform Party is a political force that is committed to change. The party's core principles include ethics reform, preservation of freedom of speech, and a focus on solutions that work for all Americans. The Reform Party is a viable alternative to the two major parties, and it is poised to make a significant impact in the upcoming election.
